Arts Department » Visual Arts

Visual Arts

Our Visual Arts Program provides students with the opportunity to explore their creativity through multiple forms of art.  The goal of this program is to serve as an introductory experience for students to examine themes of identity, discovery and expression.  Our classes are aligned to the NYS standards for the Visual Arts. 


Our K-4 arts curriculum allows for students to begin exploring ideas of self-expression and self-discovery.  Our students have introductory arts classes in which they learn basic elements of design through exploring techniques in drawing, painting, carving and molding.    


As students continue their arts education, we take an interdisciplinary approach in grades 5-8.  Our students' experiences in History are enhanced through their examination of the art and artifacts of different cultures around the world.  In grades 5 and 6, students take annual trips to the Brooklyn Museum and MET to examine the art of Eastern and Western Civilizations. In grades 7 and 8, as students learn American History they also explore important pieces of art reflective of the American experience.


Our middle school students also continue to explore who they are as artists through painting, drawing, photography, graphic design and digital art.  Those that are interested in further pursuing studies in the visual arts will prepare a portfolio for the high school application process.  Our students' work is displayed every year at the Winter and Spring Art shows.